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Missionary Orientation: Hitting the Ground Running

During the past week I've had the amazing opportunity to attend mission orientation at TEAM's REAP 2017 conference in Wheaton, Illinois. I have been gaining valuable skills about how to manage life on the mission field, while learning more about TEAM as an organization.

Most of all, I'm beyond excited that I now have my approved budget and can begin fundraising! Please contact me if you think you or your church would be interested in expanding their ministry efforts to Ireland! I would love to call, Skype, or visit about any potential ministry partnership.

The ideal goal set for me, set by my ministry area, is to be in Ireland by December, but it's looking like that is my "anything is possible with God" goal! I have decided to start blogging as I begin to learn the differences between short term and long term missionary goals, keep supporters updated on the amount of funds I still need to raise, and to document my Journey as I navigate the differences between ministry on the streets of San Francisco and ministry the country of Ireland! Hopefully this can serve as an encouragement to many people out there who wish to follow my journey.

To learn about different ways you can support me, go ahead and find my support page on this site. It contains links to support me financially, and subscribe to my newsletter by sending me an email, and how you can support me by praying for me!

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